What it means, and why it's important
You’ve probably heard about Jesus, but may not know the importance behind Him. You may even go to church, and do your best to be good. But is that living in Christ? The truth is, we are nothing until we decidedly make Jesus our Savior. In John 15:4, Jesus says, “Abide in Me.” He goes on to say that a branch cannot bear fruit unless it abides in the vine, and in the same way, we too are fruitless unless we abide in Him. Sure, we may have successes, but anything we accomplish on our own falls so short of God’s desire for us.
The Bible is full of promises that are ours when we make Jesus our Lord. That’s what it is to abide in Christ. We dwell in Him, experience relationship with Him, and get to enjoy a life that is beyond words. Here is just some of what’s ours:
  • We have access to every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3). We can be sure of the protection of God, the provision of God, peace that goes beyond anything we can understand, and so much more.
  • We are seated with Him far above the things of this world, and get to experience a life that others don’t. (Ephesians 2:6)
  • We can do all things. Nothing is impossible when we trust Him. He adds His ability so we don’t have to strive. (Philippians 4:13)
  • We have authority over hell, and no amount of evil can harm us. (Luke 10:19)
  • We get to experience a life that is abundant, brimming in our soul. (John 10:10)
  • We become children of God, reunited with the Father. We have access to His love, and inherit a great destiny and promise. (Romans 8:14-17)
  • When we die, we can be sure that we’ll live with Him forever. (John 3:16)
I know it sounds incredible, but this is God. The Bible says He has more for us than we can think, ask, or imagine. And the beautiful thing is, this life is available to all of us. It just comes down to a choice. Let me explain.
In the beginning God created all things, and He knew it was good. But at the crux was the reality that if we didn’t choose Him, there could be no relationship. He is a relationship God, and He created us as relationship beings to be in a family with Him. Relationship matters to God. It’s everything. Without it, there is no life.
And so He planted a tree in the garden He created, to give Adam and Eve a choice. He knew He had to give us free will, because without it, there could be no love. Unfortunately, as you probably know, they chose wrong and ate from a tree they knew was forbidden. In that, they were separated from God, and all the blessings He had for them. The burden was now on them to care for themselves and struggle on their own. Sin entered the world, and it broke access to the Father. They were, as the Bible puts it, orphans, and so are we until we are reunited again.
The only way that we could come close to Him, would be to be free from our sins. You see, sin separates us from God — the two cannot exist simultaneously in the same place. And there is nothing we can do to remove our sins. So God offered that a perfect lamb be sacrificed. One that was spotless, without blemish … pure. Coming to Him in such a way, with a humble, repentant heart would wash away sin … although only temporarily. But God had a plan. In His infinite love for us, God sent His very own Son, Jesus, as the ultimate lamb — perfect in every way, free from sin — to die for us. Then and only then, could sin be dealt with once and for all.
In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.” He made a way where there was no way. We get to be reunited with the Father through Him, and receive all the blessings of Heaven! And when we die, we can be assured that that is where we’ll go. When Jesus rose from the dead, He conquered sin and opened the door to all God always had for us! And it’s available to you now!
As with any gift, however, it’s not ours until we choose to receive it. It always comes down to choice. Choose today. There is so much waiting for you. So much God wants to give you. This world doesn’t have anything to offer us. Every blessing comes from above. And the burdens you carry are not meant for you to bear. Jesus died to take them away.
In your own words, come to God with all your sins, your own separation from Him, and ask Him to forgive you. The Bible says that we have all sinned, and there is nothing we can do, no matter how good, to make it right. Acknowledge that Jesus is the only way. Tell Him you believe that Jesus is His Son, and that He died for you. Tell Him you accept Jesus as your Savior, and you want the life that He died to give you. As you pray, receive this gift in your heart, and believe.
Then thank Him and rejoice! That’s all it takes — a choice! Begin to read the Bible. That’s where your relationship with God will begin to grow and develop. Ask Him to direct you to a good church, and attend it regularly. And continue to join us here! There is so much in store for you. Get ready to experience life in a whole new way. I’m so excited for you! Welcome Home!
You’ve probably heard about Jesus, but may not know the importance behind Him. You may even go to church, and do your best to be good. But is that living in Christ? The truth is, we are nothing until we decidedly make Jesus our Savior. In John 15:4, Jesus says, “Abide in Me.” He goes on to say that a branch cannot bear fruit unless it abides in the vine, and in the same way, we too are fruitless unless we abide in Him. Sure, we may have successes, but anything we accomplish on our own falls so short of God’s desire for us.
The Bible is full of promises that are ours when we make Jesus our Lord. That’s what it is to abide in Christ. We dwell in Him, experience relationship with Him, and get to enjoy a life that is beyond words. Here is just some of what’s ours:
  • We have access to every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3). We can be sure of the protection of God, the provision of God, peace that goes beyond anything we can understand, and so much more.
  • We are seated with Him far above the things of this world, and get to experience a life that others don’t. (Ephesians 2:6)
  • We can do all things. Nothing is impossible when we trust Him. He adds His ability so we don’t have to strive. (Philippians 4:13)
  • We have authority over hell, and no amount of evil can harm us. (Luke 10:19)
  • We get to experience a life that is abundant, brimming in our soul. (John 10:10)
  • We become children of God, reunited with the Father. We have access to His love, and inherit a great destiny and promise. (Romans 8:14-17)
  • When we die, we can be sure that we’ll live with Him forever. (John 3:16)
I know it sounds incredible, but this is God. The Bible says He has more for us than we can think, ask, or imagine. And the beautiful thing is, this life is available to all of us. It just comes down to a choice. Let me explain.
In the beginning God created all things, and He knew it was good. But at the crux was the reality that if we didn’t choose Him, there could be no relationship. He is a relationship God, and He created us as relationship beings to be in a family with Him. Relationship matters to God. It’s everything. Without it, there is no life.
And so He planted a tree in the garden He created, to give Adam and Eve a choice. He knew He had to give us free will, because without it, there could be no love. Unfortunately, as you probably know, they chose wrong and ate from a tree they knew was forbidden. In that, they were separated from God, and all the blessings He had for them. The burden was now on them to care for themselves and struggle on their own. Sin entered the world, and it broke access to the Father. They were, as the Bible puts it, orphans, and so are we until we are reunited again.
The only way that we could come close to Him, would be to be free from our sins. You see, sin separates us from God — the two cannot exist simultaneously in the same place. And there is nothing we can do to remove our sins. So God offered that a perfect lamb be sacrificed. One that was spotless, without blemish … pure. Coming to Him in such a way, with a humble, repentant heart would wash away sin … although only temporarily. But God had a plan. In His infinite love for us, God sent His very own Son, Jesus, as the ultimate lamb — perfect in every way, free from sin — to die for us. Then and only then, could sin be dealt with once and for all.
In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.” He made a way where there was no way. We get to be reunited with the Father through Him, and receive all the blessings of Heaven! And when we die, we can be assured that that is where we’ll go. When Jesus rose from the dead, He conquered sin and opened the door to all God always had for us! And it’s available to you now!
As with any gift, however, it’s not ours until we choose to receive it. It always comes down to choice. Choose today. There is so much waiting for you. So much God wants to give you. This world doesn’t have anything to offer us. Every blessing comes from above. And the burdens you carry are not meant for you to bear. Jesus died to take them away.
In your own words, come to God with all your sins, your own separation from Him, and ask Him to forgive you. The Bible says that we have all sinned, and there is nothing we can do, no matter how good, to make it right. Acknowledge that Jesus is the only way. Tell Him you believe that Jesus is His Son, and that He died for you. Tell Him you accept Jesus as your Savior, and you want the life that He died to give you. As you pray, receive this gift in your heart, and believe.
Then thank Him and rejoice! That’s all it takes — a choice! Begin to read the Bible. That’s where your relationship with God will begin to grow and develop. Ask Him to direct you to a good church, and attend it regularly. And continue to join us here! There is so much in store for you. Get ready to experience life in a whole new way. I’m so excited for you! Welcome Home!