“Everything I do, I do it for you.” These are the words I heard the Lord say the other day, and it brought me to my knees. “EVERYTHING,” He said. “Everything.”

I created the heavens and the earth for you.
I went to the cross for you.
I restored relationship with the Father for you.
I conquered sin and death for you.
I made a way for you.
Everything I do, I do it for you.
I make ALL things possible … for you.

It brings me to tears to think about it again. How much did Jesus die for, to bring us, that we just don’t realize or tap into? Everything He does … everything … is because He loves us so desperately. He laid His life down for us … to give us the Kingdom.

If there’s anything we’re going through that makes us doubt, or take things into our own hands, I urge you to consider there is a more excellent way.

Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Did you catch that? As long as we’re in Christ, we have access to every spiritual blessing! EVERY BLESSING! Everything that Jesus has is ours! It’s like the Father has opened up His treasuries and said, “Everything that’s here is yours. Help yourself!” And there is so much, but because we don’t understand His unfathomable love for us, it’s hard to comprehend just how much Jesus died to give us.

In verse 2 of Ephesians 1, just before the above, Paul says, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Grace means “The supernatural enablement of God for what we cannot do,” and Peace is “His assurance that He will do it.” So in essence, when Paul says “Grace and peace to you,” he’s saying, “May God take care of you in every way that you need it, pouring His endless blessing upon you … and may you believe it!” Wow, Lord, really??! Is that all there is to it?! You want us to believe? To simply receive?

Everything I do … I do it for you.

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